MENA Fem Movement for Economical, Development and Ecological Justice

MenaFem Movement at COP28 with the COP28 Coalition

From Nov 30 to Dec 12, 2023, world leaders will be gathering once again for the annual Conference of Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. COP28 will be held in Dubai and will be hosted and presided over by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

As the world’s richest nations, global elites, and corporations accumulate wealth through the exploitation of people and nature, governments continue to fail to fulfill their duties and obligations to address this profound crisis which the countries they represent share in historical and continuing responsibility for.

While solutions will not be forthcoming from these COPs, the agreements and decisions that will be made will have major impacts on our communities, our people, and our countries. These COPs and the processes that lead up to these COPs are vital arenas for various forms of engagements and mobilizations aimed at resisting false solutions, raising the demands for equitable and ambitious climate actions, building our movements, and gaining some victories that advance our struggles for real solutions.

Converge and Synergize

As in previous years, let us converge and synergize our efforts for greater collective impact in the lead up to and during COP28. In solidarity, let us expand our organizing, strengthen our resistance, and intensify our fights for justice, for system change–for a new and better world!