IDA21: A Missed Opportunity for Transformative Development in the Global South
Position Paper by MENA Fem Movement
As the global community gathers for the IDA21 Pledging Meeting, we are at a critical juncture in shaping the future of international development assistance. Our newly released position paper, “IDA21: A Missed Opportunity for Transformative Development in the Global South,” addresses pressing concerns regarding the IDA21 draft replenishment report and policy package, both sent to civil society for feedback. The final replenishment report is expected to be shared for endorsements at the upcoming pledging meeting in South Korea, which will take place December 5-6.
The past decades have seen the adoption of policy frameworks prioritizing privatization, austerity, and profit-driven models for service delivery. While these approaches are often promoted under the banner of efficiency and growth, their social costs—particularly for marginalized communities—are seldom addressed. In response, this paper offers a feminist critique of current strategies, presenting actionable recommendations that prioritize equity, justice, and sustainability.