End Austerity [End Austerity] Join us! 2023 End Austerity Activism Festival – Sat Oct 7 Join Us Speak about our Activism efforts against Austerity Please join us in Marrakesh and Online for the 2023…
Transforming the Economic structure RECLAIM OUR FUTURE! MENA Fem Movement For Economic, Development And Ecological Justice and partners from Arab region and the global…
Updates Financialisation and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa Over the last generation, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have facilitated the financialisation…
Stop financing fossil fuels MenaFemMovement and 130 organizations from over 40 countries are calling on the… Today MenaFemMovement and 130 organizations from over 40 countries are calling on the European Bank for…
Blog MENA Fem Movement for Economic, Development and Ecological Justice. Advancing Economic and Ecological Justice from intersectional Feminist Perspective: A Network's Efforts in the…