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The IMF Prescribes More Poverty to Egypt at Marrakech Annual Meetings
Bissan Kassab,
Political Economy Journalist
Inflation was the only exception raised by Egyptian…
Euphemisms and recurrent tropes in the WB and IMF Annuals 2023
Emilia Reyes,
is the Program Director of Policies and Budgets of Equality and Sustainable Development in the…
Long Way To Go
Sahar Mechmech,
Public Policy Analyst at Ali Ben Ghedhahem Center for Fiscal Justice (CAJF), working on issues of…
Hundreds of organizations and academics call to end austerity, ahead of IMF-World…
For immediate release
Marrakech, October 5, 2023
Hundreds of organizations and academics…
Cancel the debt now to deliver climate justice!
54 countries in the global south are in debt crisis. Debt drains resources away from healthcare, education, social…
An open discussion about the WBG Paris Alignment approach and the energy…
An open discussion between civil society and the Bank about the WBG Paris Alignment approach and the energy…
IFIs, Climate Finance, and Social Spending: The Missed Opportunity!
Climate finance has been a cooptation tool in the hands of neoliberal multilateralism whereas, it could be turned…
Side Event on “The Impact of IFIs on Social Protection in the Arab Region”
Date: October 10, 2023 from 16pm to 18pm Marrakech time
Social Security for All: Key Pillar for New Eco-Social Contract
Cascading crises – from the pandemic to conflict and the climate breakdown – are exposing social tensions and…